your ProductsStockOrders
on +1000 channels

+ 1000 more channels like Facebook, eBay, Instagram, Etsy, Houzz, Pinterest, Snapchat, Criteo, Shareasale, Bing, and many more.

The trust of major brands

1.2 Md€

Shoppingfeed is the #1 in GMV generated on Marketplaces by its clients.

7 x

More productivity with A.I.Lice, our Artificial Intelligence.

80 %

Some of our clients come from competitors (free migration included).

The richest channel offering in the industry

Over 1,000 channels available across 40 countries.
Between 2 and 6 new channels added every month.

Customer experience is our priority, which is why our team resolves a claim in 4h 39min*

Sylvain Piot - Head of Customers Care @ ShoppingfeedHead of Customer Care at Shoppingfeed for over 10 years.

Sylvain Piot

Head of Customer Care at Shoppingfeed for over 10 years.

Ask for a demo

Discover A.I.Lice, your future AI!

The Artificial Intelligence that boosts your sales on your Marketplaces & Marketing Channels.

Tools dedicated to Large Organizations and International Brands

  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • + 40 countries
  • Access and Permissions management
  • Price Monitoring
  • Multi-stream input
  • Expedited Technical Support (Slack/Teams)
  • Meta & Google Product Listing Ads
  • API-First Technology
  • A.I. Integration & Enhancement
  • ERP & PIM Integrations
  • Amazon A+ (2025)
  • Benchmark Industry
  • Multi-accounts for agences
  • Order import (API/FTP)

Alliance of Human & Technology

Shoppingfeed is more than just a platform. With a dedicated support mechanism, it simplifies the management of your e-commerce business. We offer strategic and commercial advice along with ultra-responsive support & advanced features. Thanks to a robust tool with a powerful team, you have all the cards in hand to succeed.